本届展会上,我司展位位于国际馆(assembly hall)进出口附近,参展期间共接待了来自印尼、马来西亚、泰国、澳大利亚、中国台湾、日本等50多名客户。其中有需要防火胶的、地板胶的、中空玻璃胶的、丙烯酸胶和粘合剂等各类客户。展会现场的打胶演示和粘结模块展示受到了客户的一致好评。
We Are in The 12th Indobuildtech
Indobuildtech is the largest exhibition about construction in Indonesia.
It takes one time every year, and this year is its 12th phase. It starts
from June 11 to June 15 with area of 30000 square meters, 466 exhibitors
including 254 Indonesia local exhibitors and 212 exhibitors abroad. There
are many different kinds of products show on the exhibition, such as
construction machinery, hardware, waterproof material, tiles, sealant,
adhesives, glass, widows, etc and also some related media.
Zhijiang Company with it over sea brand FINOTECH attend the exhibition,
shows silicone sealant, butyl sealant, polysulphide sealant, polyurethane sealant, and acrylic
sealant. All these products are widely used in construction, home decoration, insulating
glass industry and automobile industry. Locating at the entrance of assembly hall,
Zhijiang Company receives over 50 visitors from Indonesia, Malaysia,
Australia, Taiwan China, Japan. Our products application show achieves
lots of good feedback.
Meanwhile, Zhijiang sales contact with local exhibitors who are in windows,
bathroom, ACP communicating the local situation, and promoting the band